

High Tea at Aubrey Rose

We had so much fun going to the coral tea room that I decided to look up other highly rated tea places in San Diego. The Aubrey Rose seems to be quite well regarded in the community.

The Aubrey Rose was massive compared to the Coral Tea house. It had twice as many tables despite being a much smaller establishment. My group was quite secluded in our christmas light surrounded cubby.

Pros: there was unlimited tea! We were allowed to have up to two pots on the table at a time, but the tea just kept on coming if we wanted to. Between the three of us, we were able to try maybe a third of a teas on the menu.

I liked the fruit teas and the strong red teas a lot. 

I also quite liked the dishwear. The teapots were a lot less fancy than the coral tea room, but the rest of the table setting was quite nice.

I liked the personalized table card. It was a lovely little addition. The details is what make or break this thing.

The food blew the Coral tea room out of the water. There was also an extra course of scones that came at exactly the right moment to lap up the remaining Tea. 

Cons: The lighting was not good for photos. I had to white balance every photo, and ended up with conference lighting. It was also quite dark in our corner. That is not the ambiance I wanted for my garden themed tea party.

And thats all the cons! It was a great place, if not the most perfect spot for photography.

Photos ahead:

To our next delectable adventure! 

3 Possible Venues

Full time work, part time school. First semester reflection.