

10 things Lately... Mid February

1. Maybe it was the week I took off climbing, but ever since my manicure at olive and june at Casey's Bachelorette party, I have really been loving my nails. Having my cuticles trimmed after the first time in YEARS felt very very good. I even redid my nails this week. I am wondering how often I can justify having them professionally done. Will this be my once a month luxury?

My at home manicure

2. I got into grad school! SDSU accepted me into their Masters of Mechanical Engineering class of fall 2014. I put myself out on a limb and it really paid off. I am excited to have the opportunity to take classes to increase my involvement in the field of engineering.

3. I've been like really sick lately. I've maintained this illness for coming onto the second week. I didn't go climbing last weekend because of it, and that is very very disappointing. I even had a dream I went to the climbing gym and no one would belay me. The pathos with this one is running deep.

4. Casey's Bachelorette party was last weekend! The fun from that situation will last me a lifetime.

5. My new climbing hero is Sasha DiGiulian. She is amazingly tough and I'd be lucky to climb like her someday. 


6. Have you heard of the Euthanasia Roller coaster? I am thinking about recreating it as a painting for my apartment. I can not yet tell if it is in gawdy bad taste or not. The schematic has a minimalist feel but makes you recall both thrill and terror without enforcing it.

7. I went to this amazing restaurant called Pomegranate last week. It is my new favorite vegetarian spot in San Diego. They have russian georgian food. I particularly liked the valeniki and the salad sampler.
Vareniki would be called perogi anywhere else.
8. I went to Bernard'O in Rancho Bernardo for Valentines day Dinner this year! I had a groupon, and I found the food to be excellent. It was unfortunately soured by the bad service by the waiters and maitre'D, but I suppose that is the kind of think you can expect when you have a groupon at a restaurant in San Diego.

9. I took an Accordion Lesson by this professional mariachi player called Sergio from Los Reyes di California last monday. I really, really loved it. It comes with a little bit of bittersweetness because I'm not sure I am going to be able to keep up this newfound hobby when I begin my rigorous graduate degree program.

That video has my accordion teacher in it with his band. Notably, he is playing the guitar in that video.

10. The Minnetonka suede ankle boots I bought just came in the mail. These are my new work shoes.

Climbing at El Cajon Mountain: Leonidas

Wordless Wednesday