

My Fitness Lately

Right now my number one priority is the Nike Woman's Half Marathon in October. I'm not scared of the half marathon. Its not impossible. I just like having a reason to get out and run every morning.
 What would be nice is if I actually got in shape. I was a little bit chubby during the Rock n Roll marathon. I was just terrified about cross training because it was so draining and I needed every iota of energy to run. I ate and ate than got terrified of the long distances and sometimes didn't run either.

Thats silly! because total body fitness is a thing and just running for fitness isn't the healthiest.

But I am figuring it out now.

I've found good results with drinking protein powder after my runs. I don't feel like my legs are
restless and empty.  I have a feeling that this protein powder thing is going to be a godsend.

I just don't care what time I am going to get for the race. I just enjoy having a reason to wake up early and spend time outside in the morning. That routine has lifted my spirits and given me a reason to live. I know worse comes to worse, I could run the half marathon cold. It might take me 4 hours, but I could do it. I know I'm not going to win or anything...

I am going to follow the hal higdon program again, this time for novice 2 half marathon. I put those novice 1 days behind me. I am staying with hal even though I've had qualms before because that 3-4-3 week combo feels so good.

I have also been rock climbing more consistently lately! My capabilities have improved to the point where I can successfully crack climb at the cost of the skin on the back of my hands. I just have to FOCUS. I am also a 5.9 on a good day. A really good day.

I have been punctuating this climbing routine with light weights, like 5 pounds. I do two sets each of skull crushers, elbow taps, bench presses, and pectoral flys. I do a pilates 100 for good measure then I get to sleep. I don't eat anything afterwards. I am still figuring out whether or not that is a mistake.

This arm exercise has been great for my climbing. Its hard for me to tell because my climbing gym has recently reset thier routes, but I can tell I am advancing in capability. I am, however, not advancing in physique. I don't know if its the weights but I have an ABUNDANCE of back fat lately.

In general, I am going to do my best just to feel healthy and advance in the things that actually matter to me. I can spend my entire life comparing myself to other people, but I will probably never be the skinniest, the most muscular, or the most good looking. I can just be the best I can be. I just want to get that feeling that exercise gives me. I want to run for longer, I want to climb for longer.  I want to wake up with energy. These are the reasons I do not want to count calories or do weigh ins. That just isn't how I mark progress.

Happy Birthday Buffy!

Studying for the Fundementals of Engineering Exam